SAM License

SAM License

About SAM License

Once the app is installed on users premise, user has to apply license using the steps.


% of license consumed is calculated based on the number of active apps which are scanned in SAM.

License consumption message.

Once client consumes 70 or more than 70 % of license , admin user start seeing message for the license.

We see the option to close the the message when consumption is less than or equal to 100%.


Please Note: the consumption of application licenses are now at XX%
Please contact sales@ebiexperts to increase the amount of licenses or deactivate some applications to manage consumption.


License consumption Rules

  • Only Active apps are counted for license and the app can be scanned by admin/ vmmanager / developer.

  • Users with Developer / user role will not be able to view the license consumption message.

  • Inactive/Scanned/unmanaged/apps having scan error apps count is not considered for license, hence any active app is changed to one of these states, the license count should be reduced.

  • Updated license % is reflected only after re-login but the count can be checked immediately without re-login on SAM configuration license tab.

  • We do not get the option to close the notification when license consumption is 110%



Blocking Access to SAM

We provide 10% grace meaning; user can consume till 110% of license and after that access to application will be blocked for all users except VM Manager.



VM Manager can upgrade the license or he can revert or inactivate apps to bring the consumption % down.

License Notification

Admin receives the email notification when license consumption is crossed more than 70%