SAM Wiki

SAM Wiki

SAM is an automated Section Access Management solution for Qlik Sense. SAM automates Qlik Sense Section Access rules and related changes. Provide no-code, automated, self-service managed Section Access. Controls Section Access automatically or manually on a data level. Synchronizes changed data and instantly affects changes to your Apps. Alerts users to Section Access issues and provides SingleTouch fix options. Integrated to Ebiexperts WIP for Qlik Agile Source Control & Versioning solution.


Login to SAM Using Qlik Login


  • Based on the Pin Mark, user will be redirected to the specified page(in this cases its Active Control)

  • Across the Application we see the Global Information


Server - Number of Severs configured fot SAM

Streams - Total Number of Streams across the servers

Apps -Total Number of Apps across the servers

Rules- Total Number of Rules across the servers.


We have filter options to filter data based on severs, streams, apps , users and app owner and data fields.

User can select any one or more filter and shortlist data needed for him


User can Type any of severs, streams, apps , users and search the needful app.


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