WIP Business Unit

We can Add New Business units apart from the default.

Add Business Unit

Login as user having admin permission

Navigate to configuration → Business Unit

Click on Create

Enter the Name and click on Save

NOTE: We can add all admins to the business unit by checking ‘Add Admin users’ checkbox



Reopen the Business unit from the list, all available users will be listed

One can drag and drop the user on the right side to add them.

If you want a user to be release manager of the Business unit, Check the Release manager checkbox

and click on save.

Edit Business Unit

Select the Business unit you want to edit and click on edit



Modify name/ users as per your requirements and click on save

Delete Business Unit

Select the Business unit you need to delete and click on Delete


Click Yes From popup.

Page will refresh and the business unit will be deleted.

NOTE2: On Users → Business unit tab one can see at one place which all business units he belongs to.