Log Activation and Collection
Launch the WIP Setup and then go to the “General Tab” as shown below:-
Set the Log File Level to Debug as shown above
Click on the Apply button
Restart the following services either from the “Services tab” or from “Services.msc”
1. WIP Tracker Service (if installed)
2. WIP SAP Service (if installed)
3. WIP Processor Service (if installed)
4. WIP Web Server
Alternatively, you can restart it from “Services.msc”
Log collection:
Delete all logs under the folder “C:\ProgramData\ebiexperts\WIP Web Server\webapp\log\wipwebserver”. For WIP 2.0, the path is “C:\ProgramData\ebiexperts\WIP Web Server2\wip\log\wipapicore”
Reproduce the error
Go to the folder “C:\ProgramData\ebiexperts\WIP Web Server\webapp\log\wipwebserver” and for WIP 2.0 “C:\ProgramData\ebiexperts\WIP Web Server2\wip\log\wipapicore“
Make a zip at the root
Attach the zip file in this ticket.