WIP Manage a BINARY LOAD in Qlik Sense

WIP Manage a BINARY LOAD in Qlik Sense

Managing the BINARY LOAD in Qlik Sense can be very tricky because you have to refer to the application ID and not to its name. The challenge arrises when you publish an application into another environment or server, the application ID will change, which in turn means you have to manually fix the ID every time you publish the application into a new environment.

How WIP manages this challenge:

In WIP, you can use the contextual variables whose value can be defined for each environment in which you will publish the application.

Then, the published application will refer to the value of this variable during the binary load in each environment and BINARY LOAD data from the correct app in the correct environment.

Let's see how this is done:

Insert a variable in your application and set it's value to the ID of the application to BINARY Load from in the DEV environment

  • Check the application into WIP
  • Open the variable tab, select the PRD/other environment and set the variable environment value to the PRD/other application ID.
  • Publish your application to PRD environment

  • Reload your PRD/other environment application and it will BINARY Load from the PRD/other environment Application ID

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