Number of Version to keep in Wip Trash
WIP save the latest N versions of applications you have checked-in and removed from your Work space in a special stream called WIP_Trash. These files are not mandatory and can take space as they are stored with data. So you can limit and change the default value of 3 applications here.
We have a parameter to set to set the number of WIP trash items. WIP manage this automatically and keep only the latest N versions
Stop all WIP Services (WIP Web Server, WIP Processor and WIP Tracker Service if installed)
Edit the file WipDbSettings.config or appsettings.json for WIP 2.
For WIP 1:
It is located in the directory <InstallWIP>\WIP Web Server\webapp where <InstallWIP> is the install directory of WIP. For example: C:\ProgramData\ebiexperts\WIP Web Server\Webapp
For WIP 2.0
It is located in the directory <InstallWIP>\WIP Web Server2\wip where <InstallWIP> is the install directory of WIP. For example: C:\ProgramData\ebiexperts\WIP Web Server2\wip
Set WipTrashVersion2Keep to the number of versions you want to keep
Save the files
Start WIP Web Server, WIP Processor and WIP Tracker Service if installed