WIP Active Retention Policies
Retention Policies
The retention policies (Admin / Global Configurations / 01 Backup Policies )
WIP Active retention policies set the frequency and the number of backups to keep during a defined period. When this period ends, older backups are deleted.
WIP Active uses retention policies to preserve backed up data for a certain period of time. There are different policies for both the published applications and the in-development applications. When this period ends, older backups are deleted.
For Developer Apps Retention Policiies we keep
one backup per 15 min for 3 periods
then one backup per week for 3 weeks
then one backup per month for 11 months
then one backup per year for 4 years
then after 5 years without changes the app is deleted
For example for Published Apps we keep
one backup per day for 6 days
then one backup per hour for 7 hours
then one backup per day for 6 days
then one backup per week for 4 weeks
then after 5 weeks without changes the app is deleted