WIP4NPrinting Best Practices

WIP4NPrinting Best Practices

WIP Folder Organization

In order to have a better overview of the NPrinting organization we recommend to have one NPrinting root folder and one sub folder per NPrinting application like below


First Import (Add)

Import your NPrinting assets in that order

  • Apps

  • Reports

  • Publication Tasks

Development Process

As there is not a developer space to check-out your assets you need to have a dedicated NPrinting Server for development as it will always overwrite your assets on check-out.

  • Check-Out your NPrinting assets

  • Make your modifications

  • Check-in


If you have made changes to a NPrinting asset you need to publish the dependent objects you have changed as well. For example if you add a filter on one application and relate it in a Publication Task you need to publish the Application and the Publication Task

You can find the dependencies in the File / Dependencies and in the Dependencies field during publish like below

If you get errors like “Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference” it’s typically an dependency missing or outdated.


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