Stop the WIP Service as well as the SAP service and the Processor Service
In the directory where WIP is installed Ex(C:\ProgramData\ebiexperts\WIP Web Server\webapp)
Look for a file called WIPWebServer.exe.config
4. Edit the file in notepad or Notepad++
5. Add this part\Windows\bscLogin.conf\Windows\krb5.ini to the VmJavaJvmOptions (Please note that, you will need to give the path to your “bscLogin.conf” and the “krb5.ini”).
6. Before the changes the line is like that:-
<add key="VmJavaJvmOptions" value="-Xmx1024m -Xms512m " />
7. After the Changes:-
<add key="VmJavaJvmOptions" value="-Xmx1024m -Xms512m\Windows\bscLogin.conf\Windows\krb5.ini" />
8. Save the File
9. Repeat for WIPSAPService.exe.config
10. Restart the SAP service and the WIP Service and the Processor Service