Click on add Server
Enter the details applicable to you.
Sever: Enabled checkbox - if unchecked user wont be allowed to login to this server.
Fields and the information to add the server.
Server - Yes /No (If not selected Server will be not disabled on login screen)
Name: Name of the server which will appear on login page
Internal URL - Machine Name of the Qlik server with format -https:/machine-name/
External URL -URL of the qlik server with that you can access externally outside your domain
Authentication - Certificate (mode to authenticate)
Impersonate -The user -which is used to apply section
⦁ Never: app owner credntials
⦁ For Publish: proxy user
⦁ Always: proxy userUsername -The proxy user to apply Section Access when the current user fail
Import Certificate (.pfx)- browser the certificate
Button - Save - To save the changes
Button - ‘Test Qlik Sense Sever’ - Test the authentication
Button - ‘Check SAM Config’ - Check the connection of REST
Click on Save.
Once the server is added, click on ‘Test Qlik Sense Server’
It should be successful if the credentials entered for the username and password are correct.
Click on ‘Check SAM Config’, we should see Success message.
Edit Server
Double click the record, to edit the server the details.
Modify the details and click on save.
Delete Server
Click on Delete icon and click on Yes to delete the existing record.
NOTE: Presently SAM Is present only for Qlick Sense( OnPrem )