WIP Connect to SAP-BI

ebiexperts Sàrl





Connect WIP to SAP-BI Server

Installation Guidelines






Doc ID:

WIP Connect to SAP-BI Server




Golay Jean-Philippe

Issue Date:

13 November 2019


Jaabir Mahmud

Modified by

March 11 2021



Table of Contents



Please consult WIP Install Guide.pdf for prerequisites

Supplementary Prerequisites for SAP-BI

SAP-BI Client Tool BI4.2 SP5 and further (SP4 OK, SP3 might work but not fully tested)

SAP-BI Client Tool

Screenshots (With options Selected for Java and Rest API)

Ports to be open between the WIP and the SAP Servers:

Installing WIP

See document WIP Install Guide run the standard WIP Install procedure.

In the modules ensure you have selected SAP Service

Installing SAP-BI Client tools

Run the SAP-BI Client tools installer on the WIP Web Server. It is important to run the SAP complete installation, not an in-house installation.

If you have multiple SAP BI versions in your company, install the greater version you have on your servers/clients

Clients Components

In the “Clients Components” WIP needs at least (else check all)

  • Universe Design Tool

  • Information Design Tool

  • Webi Rich Client (Mandatory prior to 4.2 SP8. This is needed for the jvm.dll)

Developer Components

In the “Developer Components” WIP needs at least (else check all)

  • SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Java SDK

  • SAP BusinessObjects BI platform Web Services SDK

  • SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .NET SDK

  • SAP BusinessObjects Semantic Layer Java SDK/ Semantic Layer Java SDK

Database Access and Security

In the “Database Access and Security” select all items to ensure you have at least the same drivers you have on your clients and server installations

Data Federator is mandatory as this is required by the JVM for IDT.

Configure SAP-BI Connector

Launch WIP Setup and go to the SAP BO Versions

Versions: If you see Designer or Webi Connector version 14.2.5 mean BI4.2 and SP5

Assembly Version:

  • for versions till 4.2SP5 included, select 14.0.2000.0

  • for versions > 4.2SP5 select 14.0.5000.0

Update VM Java SDK: on 1st installation or if you change SAP-BI client version press this button to update WIP Java libraries. It’s important to do it

WIP4SAP Ports Used


If you want to connect WIP / VM to a SAP system you will find here the list of ports to open in the firewall


This list is the default port list from the standard installation they may varry depending on the customization done to the BO environment. 

In addition to the above, we need the following port to be opened for the WIP SAP Services:

·         WipJavaPort : 38085 to 38095

·         WipJavaIdtPort : 38185 to 38195

Add-on Port

·         Default is  59282

WIP Port:-

·         Default is 59272