Publish Workflow

Publish Workflow is on an environment level, it allows Administrators to set up the promotions between environments. All publication users have to follow the promotion path as defined here.


Default options means users are able to Publish to any environment, there is no path users need to follow.


Promotion Workflow

This is where you set promotions between your environments, with all check boxes un-ticked means that users need to publish versions from DEV – UAT – PRD in that order.

  • DEV-PRD – if the version is in DEV, users can publish from DEV to PRD but cannot publish to UAT

  • NP-UAT – if the version has not been published yet, users can publish directly to UAT but not to DEV or PRD

  • NP-PRD – if the version has not been published yet, users can publish directly to PRD but not to DEV or UAT