Manage Resources: Global Standards

Global Variables and Global Connections can be linked to any Qlik application in your WIP repository. Common variables and connections used by your applications should be created here, as a central global standards library, for quick access from any files.


WIP enables you to create different variables and connections where the default value will be the same but different values will exist based on the environment you publish your standards into. You will thus have a central place where you can manage all your global standards.


To automatically change the value of a Variable or Connection when publishing to an environment, first select the Environments filter on the right. Note the Default Value will be replicated in the Environment Value no matter which environment you select. You need to edit the Environment Value with the Environments filter applied. Your global standards variables and connections values will automatically be applied when linked to a file.

  • To add a variable, click on the “Add Variable” button.

    • You will be asked to provide a variable name and the default value for the variable – To save the variable click “Save”

  • To add a Connection, click on the “Add Connection” button

    • You will be asked to provide a Connection name and the default value for the Connection – To save the Connection click “Save”