Create New Issue

You can create a new issue by clicking on the Create New Issue button near the top right of the screen. This will bring up the issue form from which you can create you issue by filling in all the information. The refresh button will refresh the Kanban Board page, this can be useful when Syncing the Kanban Board with Jira.

Issue Create Form

The WIP system enables users to create issues without requiring a license to access the system. Unlicensed users can create issues, but are unable to access, track and monitor, attach files and attachments, and collaborate with developers around the issue.

  • Is Backlog

    • Check this box if you don’t want the Issue to appear on the Kanban Board but instead go to the Backlog page under Boards.

  • Active

    • Check this box to make sure this is an active Issue and will appear on the Kanban Board or backlog. Disabling this Issue will create the Issue as inactive but can still be found on the Manage Content: Manage Issues page.

  • Issue Name

    • Provide a suitable name for your issue. This will allow the developer to understand what your issue is about before going into the detailed description and tasks.

  • Issue Type

    • Select your issue type

    • Error Correction:

      • Error correction is used for errors within the application/file. Errors are generally data validation, incorrect rule, objects new working and would have an adverse effect on the usage of the file

    • Improvement

      • An improvement would be requested when the user wishes to improve an existing feature, view, calculation or visualization object.

    • New Feature

      • A new feature request can be done for any new file creation requirements, or when something does not already exist within the files and you wish to add something new to the file.

  • Description

    • Provide a suitable description for your issue. It is recommended that you provide as much details as possible around the issue to ensure it is understood by the developer.

  • Tasks

    • Tasks are very important as they measure the total completion of the issue so all changes you wish to apply to the files should be listed as tasks. Tasks are closed by the developer as they are fixed.

      • Users should be able to agree with the developer that the tasks are implemented correctly thus as a licensed user you are able to follow tasks completions which you will receive as notifications from the system.

      • You can add as many tasks as is required for the issue

  • Subscribers

    • Subscribers are people you think would benefit from being informed about the issue and the processing of the issue. Subscribers are always licensed users within the system and as such will receive notifications around the issue i.e. as the issue is migrated across the Kanban board, or tasks are completed or comments are raised.

  • Business Unit

    • All licensed users of the system belong to a business unit

      • Business units enable the administrators of the system to easily manage the resources available to perform work around issues.

      • When you select your business unit the user list in assignee field will filter based on the users assigned to the business units

      • This is a good way to find development users for your business unit

  • Assignee

    • Business unit will filter the assignee list to make it easier for you to find the relevant people you wish to assign the issue to.

      • Assignee is responsible for processing the issue

  • Priority

    • Low

      • The issue is not effecting the user experience of the file

      • Does not have any adverse effect on the environment

      • Does not affect the user’s interpretation of the data

    • Medium

      • The issue may be effecting user experience

      • May have adverse effect on the environment

      • May potentially affect the user’s interpretation of the data

    • High

      • The issue is effecting user experience

      • Is having an adverse effect on the environment

      • Is affecting the user’s interpretation of the data

    • Critical

      • File is not accessible

      • File is not working correctly

      • File is affecting the environment adversely in a way that would cause the environment to become unstable

    • Save

      • Click the save button once you are satisfied with all the information you have provided around the issue.

      • Clicking the save button will process active issues to the Kanban board as well as into the issue list

Example of your issue under active issue list. The Issues you create on the Kanban Board will also be listed on the Issues page in the WIP menu.

Once you have saved your issue you can now add additional content to your issue such as link your issue to a file, or add attachments such as specification requirements or project plans.

  • Comments

    • The comments section will show all comments every added to the issue. You can add comments which will show on the issue and visible for the developer to review.

  • Files

    • You can add files to your issue.

    • Clicking on the file selection dropdown list will provide you with a list of all files, you can type into the dropdown list to search for your file in the list and make it easier to find the file in question.

  • Click on the Add button to add the file

  • You can only add one file at a time so perform this task multiple times should you wish to add additional files to the issue.

  • Attachments

    • You can add attachments to your issue. Attachments such as specification documentation, business plans, project plans, budget approvals and so forth are good supporting documentation for any issue and would ensure efficient processing of the issue.


  • Notifications

  • All notifications that have been sent around the issue will show here.

  • Notifications are sent when:

    • Issues are moved on the Kanban board and thus statuses have changed

    • Comments are added to the issue

    • Tasks on the issue are ticked off as completed

    • Issues are released to UAT

    • Issues are published to PRD

 Once you save your issue all changes will be updated to the issue.

As a non-licensed user this is where your interaction with the issue on the system stops. You can communicate with the assigned developer via email for updates. Should you wish to track and monitor the implementation of your issue please contact your administrator for access to a user license.